The last couple of weeks have been amazing. We finally moved house. Yay!
We put our house on the market initially all the way back in July last year. Obviously covid slowed things down but there were a few moments when we didn't know if it was actually going to happen for us. Even though we're so happy we've moved and living in a little village now we will miss our old house. We made a lot of memories there. We had some amazing Bbq's and parties with friends (remember those?). We had 3 positive pregnancy tests in that house, unfortunately one wasn't meant to be. We bought Olive home to that house. Ralph went missing twice from there (oops) 🙈.
It was really bittersweet packing but I can say for a fact I bloody hate packing. I suck at it, I dont enjoy sorting through our stuff. I'm glad we had some help on the day of the move. We couldnt have done it without the help of Pais parents looking after Olive and scumby helping us move. It just so happened that moving day was also my birthday. 33 years young.
Pais made an amazing nutella and Ferrero rochere cheesecake, ordered pizza and I had a few whiskeys while we were unpacking. Pais made it really special and we had a great day moving, celebrating and having some laughs. Then collapsed with exhaustion at the end of the day. The next day was just as crazy. We built a shed, unpacked more, took Olive to the park and much much more.
It's been amazing living in the countryside a little more. I've found some great running routes and Olive loves seeing the horses in the fields. Trying to keep fit waiting for rugby season to start back up. I can't wait for rugby and the gym to start again. The 6 nations being on is really making me excited to start playing again.

I know this is a long post but it's been a full on few weeks. It's Pais 30th next week so I've taken a couple of days off work so we can relax and enjoy the time together.
As always, staying busy making memories and enjoying life.