Another week of lockdown done. This week has been a tough one.
I have been particularly busy at work this week and it has meant I haven't really had a chance to unwind and I haven't been able to properly switch off from work at the moment because my home is my workplace. This has meant me and Pais getting under each other feet and constantly seem to be bumping into each other, almost as if the house has shrunk.
We have still been going on our daily walks with Olive which has been a real lifesaver sticking to it as a regular routine but it doesn't seem like enough. So next week we have decided to try giving each other an hour a day alone to do some sort of yoga, relaxation or unwind time of sorts. I still count myself very fortunate though as I still have a job in these uncertain times. I truly believe that gratitude brings me endless energy and enthusiasm so I need to continue being grateful for everything that I have.
We did have a couple of fun things happen this week. There is a photographer on our estate who has come up with a great idea to take some photos of this Lockdown period.

This had us going through our own trip down memory lane.
Cant' believe it's almost been 3 years we have lived here already. From construction through to being pregnant and now having Olive. It's been an exciting and wild ride.

This might just be the craziest time of the last 3 years so far with a worldwide pandemic and a nationwide lockdown. At least Olive hasn't disappointed with being cute and entertaining us.
Oh and having bed head and a funny derp face.
Then finally, we saw the Dalgona Coffee challenge going around online so we decided to give it a go ourselves.

The results were delicious. I added a splash of spiced rum to my coffee to give it an extra kick.
I'm sure when the lockdown is over we'll look back and laugh at how much we've wound each other up but for now, I can't bloody wait for it to be over.
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