We have been busy getting back to life as normal. Family dinners, pub lunches, booking holidays and travelling again.
Both kids are keeping us busy and are both growing up so quickly.
Olive is really enjoying nursery and her little personality is blossoming right before our eyes. She is such a funny, strong willed, clever little girl. We keep meaning to write down funny things she says and does but never remember to. Maybe I should create a section in the blog just for this. She's always been a little trickster , playing peekaboo by hiding in the curtain for example but her tricks are getting funnier. Pais took her to grandma's house and didn't want Olive to have a nap. Olive "fell asleep" in the car. When Pais went to get her out of the car Olives eyes were closed....then she opened them and was just pretending to sleep. She's so funny.
Olive has started doing baby ballet classes and she loves dancing around and jumping up and down. Not sure if she is really dancing but she's at least enjoying herself.
We had a great family get together and trick or treating for Halloween. All the kids had so much fun dressed up in their little costumes. Olive went as a witch and Arthur went as a shark. Pais went as a tired mum with her nipples bit off by her baby shark 🤣 and I went as Heisenberg from Breaking Bad.
The village really got into the spirit of Halloween and it was great to see a load of people out and about enjoying themselves.
Arthur is growing up so quickly, he's already 4 months old, he has 2 teeth already and is starting to roll and giggle.
We had a pediatric appointment for Arthur to check on his progress since his stroke and seizures when he was born. We are very happy with the update and it looks like the specialist has no concerns for any long term effects. They are still going to do checkups until he is about 18 months old but they have assured us there is nothing to be concerned with. We couldn't be more grateful.
This month me and a group of friends are participating in Movember. I know it sounds cliche but since having children I have taken my health much more seriously.
Not just my physical health but also my mental health. I never thought about mental health when I was younger and sometimes as blokes it's hard to open up. What I thought was weakness, I now understand takes a lot of strength to be vulnerable.
Suicide is the single biggest killer of men under the age of 45 in the country.
Movember is the leading charity changing the face of men's health, and this Movember I'm joining them. Together we can make a difference for men's health – in prostate cancer, testicular cancer, mental health and suicide prevention.
Help me stop men dying too young - Donate here.
Get stronger and live longer.

With Christmas coming up and the festive season upon us we have much more family fun to look forward to.
As always we're keeping busy making memories.