We're happy to announce that our second child is a boy!

Of course we didnt have a preference on boy or girl. We would have loved to have given Olive a little sister just as much as a brother. Especially as we already have all the girls clothes....!
We had a scan yesterday and found out. With Olive we didnt find out until she was born.
I wanted to find out the sex with Olive and Pais didn't. Obviously Pais convinced me that we should have the surprise when she was born. It was an amazing moment that I will cherish forever but this time we decided to find out in advance.
After the scan we went back to Pais parents to pick up Olive as she wasn't allowed at the scan. Although we found out at the scan we wanted tell them with a little flare so we did a mini "gender reveal" with a confetti cannon in the hope that Olive would love it! The noise scared her and she cried..... It was a bit weird because the family couldn't be there because of lockdown restrictions but we had the immediate family on facetime and recorded me not being able to pop the cannon for about 2 minutes lol.
It's funny because before we had Olive honestly I really wanted boy. I was worried about having a girl, mostly because I know nothing about girls. Since we had Olive I have loved being a girl dad and wouldn't have it any other way and couldn't imagine Olive being any different than exactly who she is.
I'm super excited that our little family is growing and looking forward to not being outnumbered by girls anymore. The most important thing is of course that Pais and the baby are healthy and doing well.
Now Pais can start the emotional process of clearing out Olive's old clothes and making space for the next baby's stuff.