Today was a long day. Full day of training and a few important issues that came up needed resolving.
So after a long day at work and a tough gym session. Get home and Pais had made us some healthy, delicious pork, pak choi and wholegrain rice. Yum

I needed a good meal after the workout that I had today. It was a pressing focussed strongman style session.
Push press working to a moderately heavy weight with sets of 5 including a clean at the start of every set. This was also superset with hanging leg raises for additional core work and to keep the heart rate high and really push my cardio.
Next some light log pressing working on technique. I have only log pressed twice in the last 6 months since injuring my shoulder so it took a while to get back into the groove. Felt good though.
Then I finally finished with a 3 exercise superset of reverse banded pulls (light bands, focussing on rehab movements) lightweight bench press for reps of 15 and bicep curls.
A decent session today that challenged cardio moreso than strength but it felt good to get the blood flowing again.

Tonight I get to relax and read Olive a bedtime story. Tonight is Alice and the White Rabbit.

I like to read to Olive every night before she goes to bed. She seems to enjoy it and coos along with me.