Olive has struggled with her teeth a lot in the last week. She's not even one yet and the poor girl almost has all of her teeth and is already getting her back molars. I can't even imagine the pain she's in.
It has been realy tough on Pais because Olive just wants to cuddle and is having a tough time sleeping. She hasn't slept a whole night through in almost 2 weeks now. I try to help Pais as best I can by taking Olive in the mornings to try and give Pais a little sleep in but it doesn't always work well.

I take Olive downstairs and play with her in the mornings before work and we've been really lucky with the weather lately so we have spent loads of time outside in the fun.
This weekend we celebrated our 7th anniversary and Olive had her first ever sleep over at her grandparents.
We enjoyed our first night alone together by having a nice fish and chips by the seaside at Manningtree. Then we went for a drink at a nice wine bar called the Estuary.
Look at my smoking hot wife!
We had a really fun afternoon and even better a nice sleep in the next morning.
We then got a bunch of pastries, sausage rolls and goodies from Greggs to take over to the inlaws for breakfast....even though it was almost lunch time.
Sophie came over with the kids and all of the cousins had fun playing together. Me and Adam went for a long 2 and a half walk along the coastline in preparation for our 50km challenge in September, Trekfest.
Now that restrictions are being lifted we have decided to finish our weekly family lockdown quiz and tally up the results. We are still going to continue doing a monthly quiz with the family because it has been so much fun.

p.s Did I mention that we won the family quiz overall? WINNERS! :)
#itsthedadbod #dadlife #parentinglife #sleepy #babylife #sleeplikeababy #neversleepagain #sleepdeprived #babytornado #needcoffee #tired #reallife #tiredaf #dadblogger #dad #dadblog #babyteeth #teething #cutebaby #babyspam #teeth #babysmiles #sleepybaby #tooth #babygirl #cheekysmile #daddysgirl #dadlifeisthebestlife #daughter #daughtersarethebest