All week this week there has been widespread, global news, if not panic even, regarding COVID-19 otherwise known as Corona Virus.
This has gripped the nation, the news and has also led to an empty gym. So whilst there are some glaring issues and problems that have arisen, I am trying my best to make light of the situation by enjoying the small silver linings like a quiet gym to enjoy.
I have worked hard this week at the gym knowing the amount of food I ate on the weekend and also knowing that I am away again this weekend on a Haven Holiday for Olive's first little trip away.
This week has consisted of several double sessions at gym and a lot of supersets. I have tried my best to minimise any rest periods between sets and maximize the short time that I have on my lunch workouts.
Speed work and explosive work has been key for this. Jump squats, Olympic lifts, power cleans, thrusters and overhead pressing have been my staples this week.
This week Olive has been making some hilarious faces and being really expressive. I swear she is so close to saying "Dadda" and she is starting to wave at me when I say "Goodbye" or "hello".
The first picture was from earlier this week and the other 2 are from when she was only a few weeks old. She has always been very expressive with her big eyes.
She's so clever and I love watching her grow and seeing the faces she makes.
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